In November of 2018, 12 women were enrolled in the Confraternity. Their mission is to, "...edify & support each other in the training and sanctifying of the young souls entrusted to their care."
Welcome to Our Parish
Penance (Confession)
Confessions are heard on Sundays and Holy Days 40 minutes before Mass and end 5 minutes before Mass begins. During the week, Father is available before all Masses and by appointment.
Mass Intentions
Stipends are not payment for spiritual benefits received, but are an offering of support for the priest who performs a sacramental rite or ceremony. The customary stipend when having Mass said for your intentions is $25.00. Masses are typically said within six weeks, a specific date may be requested.
Please see the pastor. Reminder: Novus Ordo and non-practicing Catholics cannot serve as godparents, since they lack the intention of seeing to the traditional Catholic upbringing of children. Please speak to the pastor regarding other requirements of the Church for godparents. Baptisms should take place within 2 weeks after birth. A grave reason is needed to delay it any longer.
The sacrament of Confirmation is administered once each year by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI. Please see Father to make arrangements.
Holy Matrimony
If you are contemplating marriage, please make an appointment to speak with Father before setting a date.
Last Rites and Sick Calls
Please arrange for a priest to bring the sacraments to the sick (Holy Communion, confession, Extreme Unction) with the pastor. If anyone is in danger of death, please call immediately!
Holy Orders
Minor Seminary: For information regarding a vocation to the priesthood for boys in 9th-12th grade, please visit St. Joseph Minor Seminary here.
Major Seminary:
For information regarding a vocation to the priesthood, please visit https://www.materdeiseminary.org/.